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Accomplished results

Turin Airport's Energy Management System is certified by DNV-GL according to ISO 50001:2018; in 2022 the certification was maintained following the surveillance audit.

Turin Airport has completed the transition to Level 3 (Optimisation) of the 'Airport Carbon Accreditation' environmental sustainability programme promoted by Airports Council International (ACI). The certification is aimed at airport management companies that intend to pursue carbon neutrality objectives, reducing CO2 emissions under their direct control through energy efficiency programmes and the use of renewable energy sources. Level 3 'Optimisation' is characterised by the plan to involve stakeholders in the emissions reduction process to be extended to the various players operating at the airport (airlines, handlers, sub-concessionaires, passengers, employees, partners and territorial realities).

In 2022, the percentage of electricity purchased from renewable sources (guarantee of origin certificates - GO) was 100% of consumption.

The renewal of the car fleet continued with the purchase of hybrid or full electric vehicles, with the aim of improving environmental standards by reducing the exhaust emissions of vehicles operating at the airport. 

The design of a new photovoltaic plant with a peak power of 1.6 MW for the self-production of electricity was completed in 2022.

Turin Airport participates as a fellow airport in the European project TULIPS (DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe), which aims to accelerate the introduction of sustainable technologies in the aviation sector, contributing to climate-neutral aviation by 2050. In particular, SAGAT is developing a pilot plant to test hydrogen as a storage system for electricity produced by a photovoltaic system, so that it can be used as a green fuel to power a fuel cell.

In 2022 SAGAT joined the AZEA (Alliance for Zero-Emission Aviation) initiative. The alliance includes the different realities of the air transport industrial ecosystem with the aim of promoting the introduction of renewable fuels for airports and airlines.

Participation in international initiatives represents a fundamental step towards NetZero 2050: an important commitment made by the SAGAT Group towards the environment and the community to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from operations under its control to zero by 2050.

Energy saving


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Heating Fuels

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